to block
network attacks

Suitable for any websites and serversConsole and Web Interface
about messor

Learn more about Messor

Messor is able to work in console mode on any server, while being compatible with iptables, Portsentry, and other console apps as well. Just internet and php are required for successfull operation. The requirements are minimal, php 5.3 and higher versions - the network operates on both older php versions and on new ones. Messor.Network is open source. Messor limited control the network support and development. We released Messor.Network beta version with a console and web interface in March 2020.

Besides we are going to release OpenCart plug-in, in addition to Messor, it will include the functions set to ensure safe OpenCart configuration: files safety and security, backup and other functions verification as well.

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The reason to choose Messor

Decentralized structure

Linked websites tend to form unified Messor-Network

Flexible configuration

Allows to add your addresses and security filter settings

The whole network will protect you

By installing Messor on your website, you join Messor-Network

The network consists of clients - peer and routing servers. Each participant collects intruders data and sends them to other network participants, hereby allowing to get daily updates of malicious IP addresses database.

You may choose the blocking level either against network attacks or the search robots. Besides you are entitled to make the website inaccessible to all bots or to dangerous ones only. Here the choice is yours.

Once joined Messor network, you may control the your website security instead of simple observing from the outside. Lots of readers are aware of the way to safely configure own servers and websites, but just few of them really control the attacks flow to your website and server after setting up .

How does it work

Printers are not the only to be scanned

Your websites, servers, routers, refrigerators, computers, cameras, televisions and all that have got an access to the Internet, are scanned by automatic scanners. Some of them collect data for antivirus companies, while other ones do this for the search engines, third ones look for vulnerabilities, fourth scan your ports and almost all of them later sell or use your data.

There are lots of examples, including Shodan, Censys, IVRE, ZoomEye, Google, Yandex, any other anti-virus company and multiple private bots in addition to hundreds of hacker scripts and programs. It's worth mentionign that sometimes those, who scan, manage to find out something they were looking for and this may have a bad result for such data owners.

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repulsed attacks


blocked IP addresses


network members


The servers are hosted worldwide

Encryption SSL + AES-256/AES-128/BlowFish

Decentralized structure

Free of charge, open source

Scans detecting and blocking

Peer/server trust verification protocol

Frequently Asked Questions

How to download Messor?

How to download Messor?

for OpenCart
Repository cloning.
Messor cloning from the official repository: , while using the following syntax:
git clone

Download an archive
Download the archive by the link
Repository cloning.
Messor cloning from the official repository: , while using the following syntax:
git clone

Download an archive
Download the archive by the link


How to install Messor?

How to get technical support for Messor?

Where may I learn more about Messor?

How may I be sure that you don't cheat me?

Why do I need Messor?

How to help Messor?

How to get Premium Peer status?


Messor Security take care of your bussinnes protection